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Original and educational format

*Tau* 17 december 2023
For people who like: educational cartoons in rhyme

In five words: cartoons - informative - limericks - history - biology

Positive points: The format is very original: a combination of comics, rhymes in the form of limericks and always an additional text with lots of interesting and/or fun facts.

Negative points: The drawing style wasn't entirely to my taste, especially the faces were my least favourite. But I did love the way the illustrator used the colour palette f.e. to highlight certain things.
As several other reviewers mention, there doesn't seem to be a thread which connects all of these single page comics. Sometimes it's about history, biology, … Personally I've got a very broad field of interests, so I was interested to read all of the entries. But it's a fact that the book would gain profit if there would either be more comics/rhymes bundled in a thicker book which could then be divided into several sections (like abovementioned) or in several books about specific subjects. Another idea to create more structure is to put the historical comics in chronological order (that way teachers would have a very visual tool to spark the curiosity of their pupils for different periods in history).
At times the text feels a bit forced, as if it's only made to rhyme.
Some of the entries are less interesting, because they feel like common knowledge. But of course, that appreciation may be rather personal.
My greatest gripe though is that sometimes the comics feel too moralizing (f.e. those about healthy food or smoking).

Rating: 3,5* rounded down, because this book could be even more interesting if it were more extensive (now it's feels way too short) and less moralizing (readers can make up their own mind)

*Thanks to NetGalley and Robert Hoyman for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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